Discover Chakras - Part 6


The Fifth Chakra

Vishuddha color is blue or turquoise and it is located within the throat. It is the Chakra of communication, creativity, self-expression and judgement. It is associated with your Neck, shoulders, arms, hands, thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is concerned with the senses of inner and outer hearing, the synthesizing of ideas, healing, transformation and purification. Blockage can show up as creative blocks, dishonesty or general problems in communicating one's needs to others.

The Throat Chakra

Located in the region of the neck, the throat chakra or vishuddha is the fifth of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “Especially Pure”, a fitting name for this chakra, as the throat chakra is associated with speaking your authentic voice, ability to communicate and express yourself of feelings and such platonic ideals as truth.

The energy of the throat chakra starts in the center of the neck at the level of the throat and expands through the shoulders. This chakra is the first of the higher or upper chakras on the “chakra ladder”.

With a strong connection to your second or sacral chakra, your throat chakra embodies your true originality and authenticity.

The throat chakra is motivated by expression and truth, it allows you to see the knowledge that is true, beyond the limitations of social conditioning. This chakra is responsible for communicating effectively and with conviction. When your fifth chakras energy is in harmony, you will stand up for what you believe in, be honest with yourself, and speak your truth.

As the center of communication and creativity, the throat chakra allows you to express who you are but also listen deeply to others. When your throat chakra is balanced, it gives you the ability to be inspired, projects your ideas, and align your vision with reality.

Key Characteristics Of The Throat Chakra

  • Expression — This chakra is your source of creativity and expression. It empowers you to be yourself and share it with the world.

  • Truth — The throat chakra gives you the courage to speak your truth. It is also motivated by constantly seeking truth and sharing it with others.

  • Integrity — This chakra is the source of your personal integrity. It allows you to be honest with yourself and to always stand up for what you believe in.

  • Originality — Your fifth chakra is motivated by authenticity. It allows you to be inspired and creative, to share your ideas, and to always be authentic to yourself.

  • Communication — The throat chakra is the center of communication. It allows you to effectively communicate your ideas and thoughts but also have the tools to listen deeply to others around you.

Throat Chakra Imbalance

The chakra system distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, or conflict all can cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system. All of the seven chakras are interconnected; when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer.

When the throat chakra is imbalanced, it can cause stress on your emotional and physical health. If you are working on personal development goals, staying true to yourself, or improving your communication and listening skills, it is important that you open and balance your throat chakra. In addition to having trouble speaking your truth, you find it hard to pay attention and stay focused, or fear judgment from others—which can further hinder your ability to keep it real. Physically, this blockage can manifest itself as a sore throat, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, or tension headaches.

Underactive Throat Chakra

When a chakra is under active, it means that the chakra is experiencing a blockage or is not distributing the flow of energy. When your Throat chakra is under active, it can affect your overall well being.

When your throat chakra is blocked or underactive, it can contribute to feelings of insecurity, timidity, and introversion. When the throat chakra becomes blocked, it often detaches you from your authentic and true self.

Signs Of An Underactive Throat Chakra

  • Introverted

  • Insecure

  • Fear of Speaking Up

  • Small Voice

  • Timid

Overactive Throat Chakra

When a chakra is overactive, it means that the chakra is distributing too much energy. It is working in overdrive and bringing imbalance to the chakra. When your throat chakra is overactive, it affects your overall well being.

If your throat chakra is overactive, you may be experiencing a lack of control over your speech, and talking too much or without a filter. When the throat chakra is overwhelmed with energy, it can lead you to become your own and others’ worst critic. You may experience struggles in your relationships because of the way you communicate.

Signs Of An Overactive Throat Chakra

  • Gossiping

  • Overly Critical

  • Arrogance

  • Condescending

  • Rude

  • Inability to Listen​

How To Balance Your Throat Chakra

Chakra balancing is the process of restoring the harmonious and balanced flow of prana or energy throughout the body. Your chakras are in constant fluctuation. Practicing chakra balancing and aligning is a regular and sometimes daily activity to explore. But how do you balance your throat chakra?

Use Your Voice

As the center of your authentic voice, it is important that you practice using your voice to help restore balance to this chakra. Talking with close friends and family can be helpful. Make it a point to always speak openly and honestly with all that you say. Speaking in a heartfelt way can work wonders on your throat chakra.

Get Outside

One of the elements that the throat chakra is influenced by is ether. Ether is the clear sky, the upper regions of air beyond the clouds. Getting outside on clear and cloudless days can help bring balance to your throat chakra. Simply taking a walk or meditating outside on a clear day will help restore the harmonious flow of energy in your fifth chakra.

Physical Activity

Yoga is a paramount tool in bringing balance to your throat chakra. Yoga poses for the throat chakra should focus on opening the neck and shoulders and draw energy into the throat chakra. Below are specific yoga poses and movements to connect you to the energy of the throat chakra.

  • Plow Pose | Halasana

  • Bridge Pose | Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

  • Child’s Pose | Balasana

  • Upward Plank Pose | Purvottanasana


Meditation plays an important role in restoring balance to your chakras. Chakra meditation techniques are similar to traditional meditation techniques but focus on a specific area of the body. Below is a simple meditation technique to aid in balancing your throat chakra.

  • Sit with your shoulders back and spine straight. Relax your muscles as you close your

eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale through the mouth.

  • Focus your attention on the location of your throat chakra: the center of the throat.

  • Since the throat chakra is tied to the color of blue, imagine a blue glow at the center of your throat, slowly expanding throughout your neck and shoulders, making the whole area warm and relaxed. Rest in this sensation for 3-5 minutes.

  • When you are ready, slowly open your eyes. You may follow with positive affirmations.


Positive affirmations are a great way to heal negative programming that can be embedded in your subtle body. When balancing your throat chakra, practice saying these phrases to yourself:

  • I am open and honest in my communication

  • I have a right to speak my truth

  • I live an authentic life

  • I nourish my creativity and self-expression

  • I know when to listen


Aromatherapy can be a powerful and simple tool to use while restoring balance to your throat chakra. Use essential oils that promote clarity and creativity. The Throat Chakra Essential Oil Blend is designed to aid in restoring balance to your throat chakra. Apply the Throat Chakra Blend at the center of your throat, neck, and shoulder region.

Crystal Healing

Each chakra is influenced by unique stones and their energetic properties. The throat chakra is highly influenced by lapis lazuli. When balancing your throat chakra, meditate with lapis lazuli, carry the stone with you, or wear jewelry with lapis lazuli to let the energetic properties help restore balance to the chakra. The Throat Chakra Blend has a lapis lazuli rollerball to aid in balancing your throat chakra.

Throat Chakra Essential Oil Blend

Find your true and authentic voice with the Throat Chakra Blend. This blend combines the therapeutic benefits of essential oils with the energetic properties of the chakras complementary gemstone, lapis lazuli.

Throat Chakra Essential Oil Blend

  • Peppermint— Promotes insight to truth and dispels pride.

  • Cypress — Promotes confidence in your voice and opinion.

  • Roman Chamomile — Supports listening to others and calm and gentle speaking.

  • Rosemary— Promotes mental clarity and helps transform your thoughts into words.

  • Blue Tansy — Calms the mind. Promotes emotional stability, flexibility, and renewal.

Lapis Lazuli Rollerball

Known as the stone of truth, lapis lazuli is used to open and balance the throat chakra. The elements of lapis lazuli stimulate the desire for knowledge, truth, and understanding. The energetic properties of lapis lazuli restore your ability to communicate and speak your truth.

What to Expect in Part Four: Learn About Anjas

The Third Eye Chakra - The 6th Chakra

How To Use the Throat Chakra Blend

The Throat Chakra Blend was expertly crafted to open and restore balance to your throat chakra. You may use this blend to help aid in your throat chakra realignment. Simply apply the Throat Chakra Blend to your throat and neck region.

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