Pumpkin Pie Smoothie Pumpkin PieSmoothie 1/4 Cup Roasted Sweet Potato1/4 Cup Avocado1 TBS Almond Butter1 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice (or Cinnamon)1 TBS Hemp Seed1/2 Cup Water Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender, mix and enjoy. #Diet #Avocado #Weightloss #breakfast #Breakfast #WeightLoss #HealthyEatingat50 #smoothie #Pumpkin
Pumpkin PieSmoothie 1/4 Cup Roasted Sweet Potato1/4 Cup Avocado1 TBS Almond Butter1 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice (or Cinnamon)1 TBS Hemp Seed1/2 Cup Water Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender, mix and enjoy. #Diet #Avocado #Weightloss #breakfast #Breakfast #WeightLoss #HealthyEatingat50 #smoothie #Pumpkin