Zucchini Chips
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Zucchini Chips

Zucchini Chips

Zucchini Chips

Try Zucchini Chips, they are crispy,

delicious and easy to make!


1 Zucchini (or more, I usually do 3 or 4 zucchini)

Sea Salt

Spray Olive Oil

Parmesan cheese, grated


Preheat oven to 225 degrees fahrenheit

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside. Lay a few long sheets of paper towel out on your workspace.

Using a mandolin slicer on one notch above the thinnest setting, slice zucchini.

Lay slices of Zucchini on prepared paper towel in a single layer and sprinkle lightly with sea salt. Let stand for a bit to remove some water from your zucchini (approximately 4 to 10 minutes to bring the water out). Pat Zucchini dry with paper towel.

Place sliced zucchini in a single layer on a prepared baking sheet. Spray lightly with Olive Oil and season with parmesan cheese.

Put the baking sheet into a preheated oven and bake for about 2 hours. Flipping zucchini 1/2 way through, and rotating your baking sheet. Bake an additional 20 minutes or until chips are browned and crisped to your liking.


Healthy Metamorphosis

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